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India : a solution against food wastage

In India, a restaurant revolutionize the doggy bag concept by reducing food wastage and helping people in need. Indeed, Pappadavada (really popular restaurant in Kochi, Kerala state) encourages its customers and passers-by to put their scraps in a fridge, which is outside the restaurant, to allow starving people to sustain. Minu Pauline, owner of the restaurant, had this idea after seeing someone rummaging about in a bin. She realized she was generating a lot of scraps everyday with her restaurant. This is how she decided to place a fridge in front of her restaurant to permit people to use it and serve themselves food.
The fridge is open 24/7 ans is filled as by restaurant owners' donations as by Kochi citizens' donations. Minu Pauline drops off by her own from 75 to 80 food portions per day, and it is far from being enough. The fridge is not locked and the Pappadavada owner asks people to write on the wrapping when the product has been dropped off. It enables users to know how long the food has been in the fridge and those who are in need can serve themselves as much as they want.
Interviewed by the Huffington Post, Minu Pauline declared : "Money is yours, but resources belong to the world. This is the message I want to convey. If you want to waste your money, that is your problem, but you can't waste resources of the world. Don't waste resources, don't waste food".
Here is a good initiative locally set up against food wastage !